
Thursday, September 27, 2012

Akime, Under The Rain ~ Pietà

Bene, apro con questa premessa:
BASTA Gyaru, BASTA svarioni mentali per inventarmi un post femminile quando io di femminile proprio non ci azzecco nulla.
Basta Inglese (in parte, credo, non so) perché non posso stare le ore a scrivere grammaticalmente corretto e sbagliar tutto comunque. Eppoi tutti i miei amici hanno il blog in italiano.
Ecco, così posso usare uno stile un filo più colloquiale.
Detto questo, un avvertimento per gli amici UDINESI.

Oggi alle sei e qualcheccosa quegli screanzati della scuola guida hanno deciso di rischiare il tutto per tutto (probabilmente pregando che mi schianti contro un PLATANO) ed elargirmi il FOGLIO ROSA.

Ecco il corpo del reato.

A questo punto, dopo avervi spaventato per benino, passo a terrorizzarvi proprio:
Ma visto che sono una grossa spaccamarroni, parto dal Pleistocene e vi narro come sono giunta alla giornata di oggi.

Qualche giorno fa, al castello di Udine, ospitavano la mostra di tale Elliot Erwitt, fotografo documentarista alquanto di PESO, soprattutto se, come me, studi fotografia. Per dire eh.
Insomma, l'intenzione di vedere questa mostra c'era tutta. Considerato il fatto che la classe in toto era stata MINACCIATA dall'insegnante di Fotografia (Tanto amore per quella donna ♥) di mutilazione di massa nel caso in cui non ci fossimo fatti una cultura fotografica sul campo.

Piena di buoni sentimenti mi prendo un pomeriggio di ferie dal pupo e dallo studio, e mi reco in loco solo per scoprire che la mostra in questione era stata SMONTATA qualche giorno prima. (Premeditazione?)
Insomma, con l'amaro in bocca me ne torno a casa, conscia del fatto che un'occasione del genere con la MINCHIA che mi ricapita.
Presa da fervore divino, decisa a dare un colpo di chiappa al destino, mi metto febbrilmente a cercare qualcosa di intellettualmente stimolante da fare, giungendo infine nel sito salva bestemmie del VISIONARIO. E che ti trovo? Proiezioni del nuovo filmozzo di Kim Ki-Duk, Pietà!
Sì, quello che ha vinto il Leone D'Oro a Venezia.

Insomma, decido: Giovedì vado a vedere Pietà anche io, come tutti i miei amichetti Cinefili. (CinEfili, non cinofili)
Ovviamente, il Grande Disegno Divino doveva per forza rivoltarmi contro ogni suo asso nella manica. A cominciare dall'orario di uscita da scuola. Inizialmente alle 13.12 (con proiezione alle 15.40) viene decurtato NIENTEPOPÓDIMENOCHE alle 11.32. Alè. Uscita da scuola, senza scoraggiarmi, mi faccio una bella talpinata PIAZZA PRIMO MAGGIO - STAZIONE - VIALE DUODO (Per controllare gli orari della scuola guida) - VISIONARIO.

Giunta lì all'una neanche, mi siedo buona buona a leggere WUTHERING HEIGHTS, tanto per fare un pochetto l'intellettuale. Le zanzare devono aver digiunato apposta per me, dato che come poggio il sottochiappa allo scalino, vengo assalita. Poco male, ignoro e continuo a fare l'intellettuale. La salvatrice suprema (la tizia dietro al bancone della Mediateca, che continuavo inspiegabilmente a chiamare Isabella, quando il suo nome è....boh) arriva puntuale come un'orologio svizzero un po' in ritardo, ma soddisfa le mie richieste da invasata e mi regala questa:


Insomma, mi trasferisco vicino al CONTAINER con la scrittona, e finisco di leggere il mio libro intellettuale, quando mi rendo conto che mancano ancora buoni quaranta minuti al film. Evabbè, tempo di esplorare il posto.
Entro, compro il biglietto, sotto gli occhi stupiti di un TIZIO che si interroga su quanto in realtà stia mentendo sulla mia età (Pietà è vietato agli under 14) e parto all'avventura.

Questo è ciò che mi si para davanti una volta arrivata in fondo al corridoio a destra. Fiko. No, davvero, me l'aspettavo parecchio più piccolo.

Istantanea del biglietto, figo anche quello. La sala dove proiettavano il film si chiama EDEN. Pure le sale c'hanno i nomi fighi.
Oh, ed il mio smalto opaco, che son rimasta tanto di pero quando ho visto che non SBRILLUCCICAVA.

Insomma, entro in sala e resto di sasso. Li ho contati tipo tre volte, ma se la matematica non è un'opinione, ed io non mi son dimenticata come si conta, in quella sala c'erano TRENTASEI posti. TRENTASEI. Nulla. Bellissimo. La sala più bella che abbia visto in vita mia.

A vedere il film eravamo in dieci. Circa. Ho smesso di contare quando ho iniziato ad ascoltare interessata i discorsi di tre vecchiette arzille che si scambiavano marche di PILLOLE PER IL COLESTEROLO. Minchia, si passa dai fondotinta ai medicinali, me lo segno.

Film peso. Pesissimo. Un paio di scene mi han lasciata un pochetto di sasso. No, dai, sarò sincera. TANTO di sasso. Ma storia bellona. Da un certo punto in poi un po' ovvia, ma come si arriva al finale è tutto una scoperta.
Nella mia ignoranza (che è tanta) posso anche aggiungere che pure la regia era pesantuccia per gli occhi. Un sacco di primi piani e scene luuuunghe luuunghe. Doppiaggio mediocre, ma che volete.
Non dirò di più, perchè 1) Rischio di dire tante cavolate; 2) Secondo me è solo che da vedere.

Primo post in Italiano e già non la smetto di scrivere. Mi eclisso prima di superare i due metri di testo.


Thursday, September 13, 2012

Akime, Under the Rain ~ NEW Hair Color and BBQ At Grandpa's

Oh Hai!
First of all, I'd like to show you my brand new HAIR COLOR!!

BLACK! I love black. I unfortunately think it doesn't fit me that good. But, yeah, who cares?
Anyway, the second pic shows the outfit for the BBQ at my grandpa's.

As you can see, he owns a really HUGE garden. I grew up here, in this 3~floors~magnificent~house. I LOVE it. But the (SECOND) room I love the most is this:

The (second) music room. In the attic, there is a whole apartment, where I used to stay when I lived here. The main room, the biggest one, is totally dedicated to musical instruments, such as pianos, drums, guitars and so on. I used to sit there, listening to my uncles playing all those instruments.
My whole childhood was based on music, I studied violin when I was little, I attended a singing school for seven years, and I love Opera since I was a little girl.

I'm really grateful to my parents, grandpa and of course his wife for giving me the chance of growing up in such a beautiful place.

Sirio and My uncle (the younger one). Yeah, he's only 2~years~older than me.

A photo of my shoes and the back of one of the cats xD

Thanks for reading me, comment and subscribe, it's totally free!!

And now for the song of the day!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Akime, Under the Rain ~ Cellphones

As I've always been a Japan culture and fashion fan, I use to watch a lot of Japanese movies, and dramas, and ~overall~ horrors.
I noticed, some time ago, that in those movies they always use cellphones like this:

Y'know, the ones you can flip open, that allows you to read messages on the front screen while closed...
Well I really like them. When I first realized, I bought a cellphone:

Not because I wanted to copy the one I saw in the movies, but because i REALLY like those cellphones.
I realized that this wasn't what I was looking for, but as It cost me 300€, I used it until it died definitely. When finally I needed to change it, my parents gave me the one I'm using right now. Sigh. I really want a cellphone like the ones I see in Japanese movies. I like the way they sound when you press the keys, I like their shape, I like everything >___<
Where can I find a cellphone like those?? >__>

Helpppp >__<


Now for the song of the day:

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Akime, Under the rain ~ Akime's FIRST PHOTOSET ♥ (Part 2)

Here we are again!! Some more photos from my first PHOTOSET!! Enjoy! :D 
Project: Eyes
Model: Akime
DF: Senesi Michele
Anno: 2012 

Project: Eyes
Modella: Akime
DF: Senesi Michele
Anno: 2012
Project: Eyes
Modella: Akime
DF: Senesi Michele
Anno: 2012

And finally...
I cannot wait until I get the watermark! I LOVE this photo, and I can't believe I'm the girl posing **

*A* waaaah *A*

As soon As I'll receive the watermarked copy, I'll replace it *A*

If you want to see some other photos and works of this artist you can visit him there:


YOUTUBE CHANNEL (He is also a film Director)


Here's the song of the day!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Akime, Under the Rain ~ My colors of choice for Fall/Winter 2012

Hey there!! Autumn's coming!!
Autumn&Winter are my favs seasons. I don't really like high temperatures.

For me, one of the most beautiful things in life is lying on a sofa/bed with your beloved one, watching a film, hugging each other under a soft blanket whit a cup of hot tea while outside's snowing.

Also, I prefer cold season's style instead of hot one. This year I wanted to buy a new coat, but I realized my closet's full of them ・°・(ノД`)・°・
My coat of choice fot this fall/winter season would definitely be:

THIS ONE. When I first saw it I KNEW it should be mine. Except for the color. I don't really Khaki green. I'm more into shades of brown and cream.
The Brand's SPIRAL GIRL. I never heard of it before looking for this cape. I'm so happy I found it *A* But I'm afraid it won't be mine ç___ç

Talking about colors, what are your colors of choice for this season? As I just said, mine will be Chocolate, White, Cream, a little Green here and there, Orange (not fluo) and of course black. I won't be able to buy so much new clothes as I'm saving for my first camera. I really want one, as soon as possible.

Thanks for reading me, comment and follow it's free!!

Here's the song of the day!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Akime, Under the Rain ~ Akime's FIRST PHOTOSET ♥ (Part 1)

YAY! Back home after a shockingly short week o(TωT )
I've been travelling all the way to RECANATI, a wonderful city in the middle part of Italy. It took me 7 hrs to arrive, and I had to change three trains to get to Recanati. Also, the last train I jumped on had ONE HOUR delay (  ̄っ ̄) so I had to call someone picking me up in CIVITANOVA which is like 35 km away from RECANATI. I hate Trenitalia's services. Even when I came back, trains were so late that I had to take a train that was late on its own to get home as I originally planned to. (゙ `-´)/
I'm sorry, I don't have any photo of the journey. I checked them all and they're all out of focus, or blurred, or too dark. (◎`ε´◎ )


During the week a friend of mine asked me for a photoshoot......and I said YESSSSS!!! ≧(´▽`)≦

I was so excited as this was my first set ever ((((((ノ゚⊿゚)ノ So i ended up making stupid faces, weird poses and laughing every moment. But the photographer's soooo good he managed to shoot some really good pics! \( ̄▽ ̄*)/

Of Course, as He's working on other projects, he only managed to send me few photos with the watermark and I won't publish anything without permission or givin credits.

So...enjoy my first set (part of)! ヾ(@°▽°@)ノ

First concept: Loli&Tatini
Model: Akime
Prod: PALONEROfilm
DF: Senesi Michele
Year: 2012

Basically, a friend of us forgot this huge f*cking knife at the photographer's place so we thought....why not? (ж>▽<)y I was a little afraid of cutting myself ∑(-x-;)

I'm using this as wallpaper. Really like the teddy bear's dance ( ・(ェ)・)

Yay so cute (>____<)/ (The bear, of course)

Oh, BTW "Tatino" is the bear's name ヘ(゚∀゚*)ノ

Second concept: WWG Bunker

Model: Akime
Prod: PALONEROfilm
DF: Senesi Michele
Year: 2012

I brought one of my loli for the occasion. Unfortunately I forgot the shoes, the socks and the headdress, so I only had the dress and the petty with me. As it bothered me a lot to leave the dress in the suitcase, he decided to shoot something with it. I'm longing for a particular photo of this concept, but I'll talk about it when I'll finally receive it (☆。☆)

The gun was pretty heavy (ノ_-。) and the other one (yeah, I posed with two different types of gun) was heavy as well.

Third concept: Eyes

Model: Akime
Prod: PALONEROfilm
DF: Senesi Michele
Year: 2012

As He says, this photo was barely edited in PS. Quoting (translating of course) "settings, a few color correction and your pale and pink skin. The eyes are still untouched".

I'm so proud of this particular photo! γ(▽´ )ツヾ( `▽)ゞ

If you want to see some other photos and works of this artist you can visit him there:


YOUTUBE CHANNEL (He is also a film Director)

I'm really grateful to him for this photoshoot!!

Thanks for reading me, comment&follow me, it's free!


I'm sorry, I'm an idiot.
I decided to begin with linking you a special video related to the entry every time I post something new, but I forgot to put it on the blog (w_-;

Here's the video:


Sunday, August 26, 2012

Akime, Under the rain~ Troubles and Makeup

Hi Everybody. Sorry for being so lazy, lately. I hate summer, I'm dying of heat, and all I can think of is trying not to think about how fu*king hot is out (and in) there.

Anyway. Some days ago, I received DIANA DOLL'S package. I wanted to make a video review, but, for some troubles I had with the video, I'll shoot it next week, and of course review the content of the package.

For that video, I came up with a new style, just to try it out:

Okay, Sad face.
Ow, I dyed my hair again! :D the fringe's now double colored <3 I really love it <3

Smiling? Uhm.
So, this time, I tried to enlarge my eyes more, as some time ago I ended up on a secret cuz' I looked like an alien due to the circle lenses.
I think I only made things worse xD
Oh! and I tried on a new hair style too! It's like... ONEE** style in my opinion, as the whole outfit. It's more soft and sweet than any other I usually put on, so probably this pastel color dress and this hairstyle on me can look more ONEE** than they actually are.

The outfit for the video (which will not be published, but I'll film another soon!)

I don't wear dresses so much, but I've to admit they're really comfortable and cute >___< 

I've been so busy these days that I decided to stop for a week, and just relax. I don't wanna think about nothing. So...yeah, see ya in a week <3


Saturday, August 18, 2012

Akime, Under the Rain ~ August Bank Holiday!

Sorry for letting the blog down this few days, I've been at Loky's place for the August Bank Holiday, and sure I've been a lot busy!
Wanna know why?? :)

These are two of the NINE Tarja's child!
Tarja is the gorgeous Loky's dog. She's taller than me, when she stands on her hind legs, and weighs 30kg. Like, she's huge!

Her name's "Tarja" like Nightwishs' Tarja Turunen, the outstanding singer we (me and Loky) used to adore when we were younger (and so we do now xD).
Do you know Tarja's Nightwish? Here's one of my fav songs (even if I love them all <3)

I used to sing those songs with my friends. I really loved to sing some years ago. After giving birth to my son, I stopped doing lots of things.

Talking about dogs, and goth music, let me introduce you to my dog. He's Moody (from Ben Moody, Evanescence) and he's a real wimp.

But he's so freaking cuteeeeeh >___<

First things first, the outfit of the day!

Handmade dress, leather handmade belt and slave sandals for feeling less hot.
Is it hot where you live, too? I'm personally dying of heat. I hate summer.

When we first arrived at Loky's place, Sirio began immediately playing with an helmet he found nearly broken in the garden:

Uhm, yeah, he was naked. Happy censor sticker! :D

He played a lot with the puppies, and also helped feeding them. How cuteh >__<

This one's my favorite *A*

We played in the pool Loky bought lately, so I didn't put on make up at all.

Sorry for the long face. I was really tired xD

Karin was there too!

What a cute photo <3 (again, sorry for the long face xD)
We had grilled meat for lunch and dinner (*A* I LOVE MEAT)!

Now, some photos of the day!

She's Niky :3

And She's Vicky! :D

Yay, sorry again for the log wait >__<



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